Monday, January 13, 2014

The project

As everybody knows, GTA SA is now available on both iOS and Android.
Unfortunately, SA-MP wasn't released on these Tablets/SmartPhones for several reasons, and most of the GTA gamers are still waiting for its release.
Today, we decided to make a move with your help and make it possible to have a Multiplayer GTA SA on iPad/iPhone... with the help of a programmer that will be hired as soon as we get enought funds to begin the game developement, but, it is not easy to develop an app, it does cost time and much money.
So we need all those who want to have a SA-MP phone copy to donate in order to achieve our goal.
The primary required amount is 1 thousand dollars.

Required amount : 0.37 / 1 000 000 $ (will be updated every 12 hour).

For anonymous donations:
Click here to donate:


For normal donors:
Donate below then send your name and the email you donated with to this email and you will be added to donors list.
